Dreams can be vivid, foggy, or somewhere in between. But why do some dreams stay with us longer than others? We asked experts to explore the key factors in determining how memorable a dream is. And here is what they have to say.

Andrea / Pexels / Experts suggest that some dreams are more vivid than others. And there is a simple science behind that.
Now, let’s go ahead and see why you remember some dreams for long - and forget some after opening your eyes.
The Science Behind Dream Vividness of Dreams
According to experts, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep plays an important role in creating vivid dreams. During REM sleep, your brain is very active, and you experience rapid eye movements. Along with that, you also notice increased heart rate and blood pressure.
In turn, this phase of sleep is when vivid dreams occur and can help explain why you remember some dreams more than others.
The Content of Your Dreams
Not all dreams are created equal. Dreams can contain different elements, from people and places to objects and emotions. Researchers suggest that the more details your dream contains.

Andrea / Pexels / According to experts, rapid eye movement (REM) is a phase where your brain is as active as you are awake. And dreams at this phase are more vivid than others.
These could be specific memories or vivid colors and sounds, the more likely it is for you to remember them in the future.
The Emotional Impact of Dreams
The emotional content of a dream can also contribute to its vividness. Experts say that emotionally charged dreams often make a lasting impact because they trigger strong reactions both during sleep and when we wake up. It is not uncommon to feel fear, joy, or sadness after waking up from a particularly vivid dream.
In conclusion, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep plays an important role in creating vivid dreams. The content and emotional impact of the dream can also contribute to its vividness, with more detailed dreams and emotionally charged dreams more likely to be remembered.
If you are looking to remember your dreams more clearly, there are several steps you can take before bed. Try writing down any memories or thoughts you have before sleeping and make sure that your bedroom is a comfortable temperature for sleeping.

Andrea / Pexels / According to experts, all dreams are not the same as they contain different and varying content.
How to Remember & Forget Dreams?
If you want to remember your dreams, try to focus on relaxation techniques like deep breathing or mindfulness meditation. These can help create a calm environment in which vivid dreaming can occur. With enough practice and patience, you may find yourself remembering your dreams more readily in no time.
On the other hand, if you want to forget some dreams, try to distract yourself or engage in activities that will draw your attention away from the dream. This can help reduce the amount of time you spend dwelling on it and make it easier for you to move on from the experience.
Finally, no matter what your goal is with dreams, remember that lucid dreaming is always an option. With this technique, you can take control of your dream world and create an environment that is tailored to your own personal preferences.